BNBC Meeting – Hive Exhibition

The Brisbane Native Bee Keepers Club filled the room with their annual Hive Exhibition at the Hut at Mt Cootha. (THECA)

Doug Irvine was guest Judge and also displayed some of his boxes, honey frames and honey extraction process which he showed how he loads the honey frame in to a stainless steel case and spins it by hand. The honey flies out hitting the sides of the spinner and collects in the base and then can be poured out in to a container.

Dean Haley brought in some of his Honey Frames for Doug to demonstrate his honey extractor on. You can see the nicely uniformed honey pots created in the frame below.

Alan and Terry both displayed their similarly designed Australis boxes, in fact Terry used to Alans design with approval of course, Alan even jokingly commented how Terry’s boxes look nicer than his. Alan Waters sells Australis bees if anyone is looking for some.

Terry’s boxes look quite smart with the coloured roofs as well.

Quite a few other boxes were on display, i didn’t get photos or information on everything there unfortunately. Make sure you watch the video at the top of this post as it shows a few more things.

Below, one of Greg’s boxes with the hinged corrugated iron roof, and a Bee Hotel made by Faye just half out of shot in the photo….

Wayne Berry brought along one of Giorgio’s “Nativo” boxes – square pine frames. Giorgio makes and sells these boxes and are very neatly made.

Tim Heard showed off his slimline observation hive. Everyone was fascinated to see the inner workings of the colony. Doug (The Judge) was pretty impressed with it and awarded Tim the judges choice, Doug was so impressed with it he said he was going home to make one. I believe Tim might have some of these available for sale in the future, empty for the buyer the populate.

Tim’s Slim Observation Hive

I took along three boxes, an Outhouse, Treasure Chest and a Oiled Observation Box. The Oiled Observation Box just recently had some wood burning designs put on it by Krystal – article here . I forgot to get a photo of my boxes on display but here’s a previous photo of the Outhouse…

There were a few prizes given for varies categories. Doug selected Tims slim observation box as the Judges Choice, Alex from Spicers Hollow Native Bees got a prize for his steel hive stands and there was a three way tie for Peoples Choice.. Tim’s Observation Box, my Outhouse and the Oiled Observation Box!! , so i think i outnumbered Tim for that one!

For more info about the Association visit their website here –

Hivecraft - Australian Native Bee Supplies

Native bee boxes available at

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