Observation Bee Hotel
Following the progress of resin bees and wasps as they populate and develop in the observation bee hotel. Photo below:
Following the progress of resin bees and wasps as they populate and develop in the observation bee hotel. Photo below:
This article is referring to species like Tetragonula carbonaria and Tetragonula hockingsi. Assess your colony before spltting! The biggest cause
Late 2024 and we continue to see many colony deaths. Again, we’re adding to previous articles on this site with
Adam Bunz, a Canadian currently living in the Philippines sent me these photos of the species Tetragonula biroi. The coconut
There was a swarm for a few days which seemed to have lead to the colony decline. Bee traffic dropped
Can we multiply colonies by copying what happens in the natural environment? Stingless bees wont abandon their current hive but
Photo above: small stingless bee colony from a rescue. Don’t buy this kind of colony. 1. Research Ultimately it’s up
Austroplebeia australis (Aa) look the same but their nest construction is a little different compared to Tetragonula. Mostly wax structures
It’s very unlikely you’ll need to feed your bees except in extreme conditions! Most people will never need feeders for
What’s the big deal, just move it? At some point we all want to move a hive in the yard
The theory you may hear… It could be true, but should be questioned… Research by Franciso Garcia Francisco found that
The video shows the bees repairing and rebuilding their colony after water had entered the hive box during heavy rain.
Bee Hotels are great for providing extra habitat for certain species of native bees, but, there can be misunderstanding or
I’ve made or bought an empty box, where can I get bees from? Native Stingless Bees will always come in
Pests to native stingless bee colonies! About half the size of a stingless bee and they move very quickly, jumping
There were bees, honey and pollen, but no brood at all. The Involucrum are the layers of Propolis surrounding the
Tetragonula hockingsi is very similar to Tetragonula carbonaria – click here to see that article https://www.nativebeehives.com/native-stingless-bees-tetragonula-carbonaria/ Article under construction, more
The contraversial topic of the Cadaghi – Corymbia torelliana Native to North Queensland, it’s classed as a weed in areas
Species Takeover These two colonies are south of Brisbane in the Logan area. Both were Tetragonula carbonaria last time i
*2024 – The weather and conditions have been very poor for bees for a couple of years now which has
Placeholder page. More info to come…. eventually…. Photo: Native hive beetle and Small hive beetle
Everything in this hive was in great condition with no pests, a good amount of resources and plenty of good
Want to build a bee hotel this weekend and encourage some native solitary bees in to your garden? Bee hotels
Hopefully this article will get you started in the right direction. This page lightly touches on everything from Bee species
nativebeehives.com is a project website with a focus on individual design and construction of Native Bee Hives, lots of photos, information about Australian native bees and also a news story thrown in around the place!