Cypress Native Bee Box

Cypress Native Bee Box

These boxes were custom made to match some previous boxes with some slight changes.

The Cypress frames are rebated to add to the strength if you want to run over it with your car and all screws are hidden so you don’t see any screws or nails on the outside of the box. There’s two diagonal screws for each join.

I’ve used Redwood for contrast in the lid insert and front step. The front step has been secured with cypress dowels/pegs. The lid inserts and pegs add to the look and also provide strength in the construction of the box.

The hinges, front latch and lid chain all add to the look.

The boxes have been finished with Tung Oil. The oil makes the timber look great and lasts a fair while if the box is kept under cover.

Note: Any oiled or clear coated timber that is placed outside and exposed to the sun would need to be maintained to keep the nice timber look. A light hand sand and new oil would work wonders once or twice a year, or if you don’t mind the aging/silvering of timber then it’s ok to leave it. For longer lasting finishes place the box out of the weather.

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