The owner of this large property between Stanthorpe and Texas Qld had found a few stingless bee colonies in old hollow trees and was keen to learn more from our visit. We did a fair bit of wondering around the property locating a number of colonies of Austroplebeia australis. It was quite amazing how many colonies there were in the small area just around our camp. “Eagle Eye Dean Haley” seemed to find them wherever he went, marking the trees with pink tape so the owner would be aware of them. These colonies will most likely stay where they are as the property owner was quite interested in preserving what was there. We did get the opportunity to transfer one colony in to one of Doug Irvines Aa boxes which was a gift to the owner. *No colonies were removed from the property – we didn’t take colonies. ( shown in the photos below ). Other photos show the camp and surrounding flora and an old shearing shed. Pictured randomly: Dean, Stephen, Doug, Giorgio, Phil, (and myself behind the camera)