Tetragonula hockingsi
Tetragonula hockingsi is very similar to Tetragonula carbonaria – click here to see that article https://www.nativebeehives.com/native-stingless-bees-tetragonula-carbonaria/ Article under construction, more
Tetragonula hockingsi is very similar to Tetragonula carbonaria – click here to see that article https://www.nativebeehives.com/native-stingless-bees-tetragonula-carbonaria/ Article under construction, more
Species Takeover These two colonies are south of Brisbane in the Logan area. Both were Tetragonula carbonaria last time i
nativebeehives.com is a project website with a focus on individual design and construction of Native Bee Hives, lots of photos, information about Australian native bees and also a news story thrown in around the place!