Brisbane Native Beekeepers Club

Brisbane Native Beekeepers Club website

Meetings are held 1st Sunday of each month at 1pm. (no meeting in January)

November 2016 Meeting

Flavia gave a great presentation about Propolis (bee resins and wax materials used for hive construction)

The building where the meeting was held also has a native bee hive inside with the entrance drilled through the wall…

October 2016 Meeting

Matt talked about his research into fighting swarms. I’m privileged enough to have Matt using one of my photos from the website on his presentation…

This is the device installed as a hive layer. The tube can be rotated which opens the valve so Matt can test the air within the hive for possible changes in chemical make up during swarming activity…

If you have a fighting swarm call Matt..

September meeting

Dean Haley gave an indepth presentation about hive temperatures at the monthly meeting. Each meeting there’s different presentations so if you’re keen get along to the next meeting.

Hivecraft - Australian Native Bee Supplies

Native bee boxes available at

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