Tough Year For The Bees – 2022

With extended heavy rain and cold periods, native bees have had it pretty rough for the last year. Foraging times have been short and food resources low. It’s likely there will be quite a few colony loses. If your colony was strong and full before going in to winter it should be ok but there will be weak colonies that wont survive and a lot that just barely make it through. This could also mean a reduction in the amount of colonies available for purchase from sellers in the summer of 22/23.

Depending on your hive box design, having hives in full sun over winter helps a lot. If it’s mostly in shade the bees can really suffer as a weak colony is unable to maintain heat. A good position for winter is full sun with a good roof.

Is it ready to split or educt? It’s completely up to the hive owner to know the strength of their colonies but some of us may be over enthusiastic and want to spilt or educt a new colony as soon as the weather looks good, but if the colony isn’t ready it would be more beneficial to just leave it alone and not risk of losing it completely.

You know the saying…. ” Stop playing with it “

Hivecraft - Australian Native Bee Supplies

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