Bundaberg Workshop

A few photos from the recent workshop “Managing native bee pollinators on your farm” held at Bundaberg presented by Tim Heard beside the picturesque Burnett River. These are a series of workshops held with the support of AgriFutures Australia, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Attendees included local crop farmers, consulting businesses and members from the Wide Bay Branch of ANBA, Trevor, Graeme, Stephen and Brendan while Steve attended the table with ANBA caps, coolers and the Discover Bees of Australia posters.

This was a full day event packing in plenty of information about crop pollination of different crops including Mango, Macadamia, Lychee, Jackfruit and Watermelon. Later in the day there was a hive splitting demonstration held in the park beside the venue with great discussions on hive design by attendees.

Hivecraft - Australian Native Bee Supplies

Native bee boxes available at www.hivecraft.com.au

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