One Piece Native Bee Hive Box


  • Standard native bee box dimensions: 200mm wide x 280mm long x 270mm high
  • Volume: 5.5 litres
  • Materials: Hoop Pine 33mm
  • Coating: wood sealer but will also need paint
  • Lid: Plywood coated in wood sealer

These boxes will be good for budding/eduction/transfers/rescues and ideal for people that don’t like to split.

By using a one piece box and not being splittable there’s no joins or gaps for pests or water to enter so you don’t need to use any tape to cover joints. There is pros and cons though. While great for reducing pests, one downside for a non split boxes is possible access issues in the future. Some people wont think this a problem.

There’s a viewing window on top which is easily removeable if you want to transfer a colony in from a watermeter pit or you can closely monitor your eduction progress. The lid is held on by spring clips.

While this doesn’t have a honey super section on top, one could be added by just sitting an extra frame on top and drilling a hole in the viewing window to allow bees the access to the new frame.

Hivecraft - Australian Native Bee Supplies

Native bee boxes available at

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