Project OctaHive

I’ve called this one Project Octahive. It’s my first attempt at making a hive in the octagonal shape.

Using 25mm Cypress, I cut all the pieces and glued them together in stages..

Photo below shows two layers. The Base and the middle section…

All three layers assembled…

Counter sunk holes, drill holes and screws.. All hidden inside so they wont be seen from the outside.

Oiled up. I put a router edge on the top section….

Honey Super Separator in…

Routed out recess, installed Brood support bars…

This is the process I’ve used for establishing bees inside the box..

I made an adaptor plate to connect the standard OATH top section to the base of the Octagonal Hive….

Photo below – The bees are still alive!


After the bees were established inside the box I split the hive open, removing the adaptor plate and then connected the octagonal base with it’s original top…

I used tape to seal any gaps while the bees secure the box


Below: Update December 2016 – The hive was placed in the garden and is doing well.

Update 18/06/2017 – Below – I’ve upgraded the roof for better sun protection, The hive is doing really well, it’s out of control with heavy traffic at the entrance.

Being exposed to a fair bit of sun the oiled finish is starting to turn a little grey… i think it looks pretty good though…


Eventually i’ll use this box to populate other Octagonal Boxes (other Octagonal Build Page here)


to be continued….



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